Supported Independent Living Service in NSW, ACT, QLD

Learn more about Webb Home Care’s supported independent living service in NSW, ACT and QLD. Contact our team to see what we do and how we can assist you.

SIL Providers

Professionals in the field of supported independent living (SIL) are there to help those with disabilities maintain as much autonomy as possible in their daily lives. At Webb Home Care, we recognise that being able to live independently is crucial and that it is something that will take some time to adjust to. As a result, Webb Home Care is pleased to lend a hand so that you may continue to enjoy life in your current residence or community setting while maintaining your independence.

People who are disabled and require more assistance in their everyday life are best suited for our SIL services. This refers to those that need 24/7 care. To help you become more self-reliant, Webb Home Care offers individualised services.

Webb Home Care’s SIL professionals are available to assist you with daily tasks e.g. food preparation and personal hygiene. Our SIL NDIS service will help you with everything you need to do to live independently in your own home.

Examples of support you can receive from our tailored SIL service:
Personal care tasks
Meal preparation
Behaviour support plans
For a supported independent living service, contact us at